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Benefits of Leather Fire Boots Over Rubber Boots

If you are one of the many brave men and women that perform the duties of a firefighter, then you know how vital it is that every article of clothing you put on keeps you protected. While this of course includes your helmet, coat, facemask, and gloves, one of the most important pieces of equipment is your firefighter boots. These keep you agile on your feet, and protect what is often the point of contact with dangerous debris and flames on the floor. All firefighter boots are designed to resist fire and heat, but there are some key benefits to choosing leather firefighter boots over rubber ones.

For one, leather fire boots are up to 3 lbs. lighter than conventional rubber fireman boots, making them easier to maneuver in and tackle tough terrain in—something you are sure to run into when battling a house fire. In addition, leather firefighter boots are often better designed around the shape of the foot, and offer better support for the firefighters who spend many intense hours at a time on their feet.

Due to the greater maneuverability and added support, leather fire boots are required for wildland firefighters.

At HAIX USA, we have a great selection of leather firefighting boots and active footwear designed for law enforcement, firefighters, hiking, forestry, and general outdoor use. With an abundant selection of leather firefighter boots to choose from, you are sure to find the perfect option for the comfort and protection levels you need. To learn more about our great selection of boots, shoes and more, call us today at 866-344-4249, or visit our website to browse our inventory.

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