The second season of the critically acclaimed Amazon Prime series, HANNA, is streaming now and picks right up where season one left off. This international thriller follows, Hanna, a teenager who was raised and trained by her father in a remote forest in Romania, before she is forced to flee, after finding out she is being targeted by the CIA. Her escape takes her all across Europe, as she tries to elude CIA agents while also learning the truth about herself, her parents, and her involvement in the secret U.S. military project, UTRAX, which breeds children to be assassins.
We talked with the series’ costume designer Anthony Unwin about the inspiration behind the costumes in HANNA and why he chose to use HAIX® boots to make the action scenes more believable.
What was the basic idea behind the costumes in HANNA on Amazon Prime?
I wanted to explore the different characters in the show and how they develop and mature throughout the season. The costumes vary significantly between roles, from the uniforms of the UTRAX guards to the outfits of the highly skilled teenage assassins, who adapt a new persona and have to camouflage themselves in order to fit into the outside world.
The series takes the characters through different countries and landscapes. What challenges does this create for the costumes?
I see it as a benefit more than a challenge, as it forces more variety in the wardrobe due to the diverse locations. Early scenes are set in the Romanian forest, where Hanna and her father wore used clothing to protect themselves and for survival. These pieces needed to be realistic and represent what hunters or campers would wear in such conditions, but also allow me to work within the tone of the story. As the series progresses, the action moves from Romania, to London and then to Barcelona, so the costumes in these scenes also needed to look authentic while also reflecting the personality of the characters.
How were you able to achieve the greatest possible authenticity in the costumes?
Working with HAIX® was extremely helpful in keeping the authenticity within the UTRAX world. These guards are highly trained soldiers sent on missions all around the world and under extreme conditions. With the right equipment, including HAIX® protective footwear, the actors were not only able to look the part of real soldiers but also put themselves into their roles.
What made you choose HAIX® boots during action scenes?
During Hanna’s initial chase scene in episode one, the UTRAX guards are hunting her down in the forest. The conditions were extreme to say the least, including wet, muddy terrain, fallen trees and fires. The boots needed to be durable while also offering flexibility and support. The design of HAIX® safety boots made them a perfect complement to the uniforms of a highly sophisticated military operation.
Seasons one and two of HANNA are now available on Amazon Prime. HANNA ended up featuring different military boot models from the HAIX® Black Eagle® line. You can check out HAIX USA’s line of military boots on the HAIX® webshop.
Copyright photos: NBCUniversal International Studios