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Forestry Arborist Instructor Program

Special weartest pricing just for Forestry and Arborist Instructors!
Are you a certified Forestry or Arborist Instructor? Choose between the HAIX® Protector Prime Orange, the HAIX® Protector Ultra Lime Green, HAIX® Protector Ultra Signal Red or the HAIX® Airpower® XR200 and receive special weartest pricing (conditions apply, pricing will only be given to verified instructors):

Protector Prime Orange Protector Ultra Lime Green Protector Ultra Signal Red Airpower XR200
Protector Prime Orange
Protector Ultra Lime Green
Protector Ultra Signal Red
Airpower XR200

To order boots under the HAIX® Forestry and Arborist Instructor Boot Program, please submit this form and be sure to include the following information:

  • Boot model and size desired*
  • Phone number where you can be reached
  • Shipping Address
  • A copy of your Instructor Certificate**
  • A copy of a Photo ID**

A HAIX® representative will contact you by phone to verify pricing and for payment information.

*Limit of 1 HAIX® boot per instructor.

**For verification purposes, you must provide us with a copy of your instructor certificate and a photo id.

Instructor orders may only be paid with the credit card of the individual submitting the application. Department purchase orders are not accepted for this program.
